We'd like to let you know that, due to the amount of users getting their IP blocked for attempting to log in to their email or other services incorrectly, we have increased the number of attempts allowed. The exact numbers will not be published here but can be provided upon request, only to our clients.
Additionally, for email services (where you connect your email, e.g., Outlook, Apple Mail), if you do reach that attempt limit, your IP will now get unblocked automatically after a few minutes rather than waiting for us to unblock it.
What happens when your IP gets blocked?
You cannot access your website from that device, nor your email. You would see a page not found or a white/blank page. Not to worry, your clients can still view your website.
Should this happen, contact us immediately with your IP address and we'll unblock your IP, provided that you are an active client.
What can you do about it?
Our advice is to ensure that you write down your password somewhere safe. You can always consider using an online password saving tool such as Bitwarden or LastPass. Both of those, among others, are free and allow you to save passwords securely, and if you ever update your password, you would get prompted by those services to update it in your account with them. They feature the latest security and offer extensions/add-ons for all major browsers.
Why does an IP get blocked?
IPs get blocked when they reach the limit set by us. There are millions of hackers attempting to hack every type of system every day, all over the world. Our role is to maintain our server so that your website can remain untouched by unknown sources. The reason we set limits is to prevent a hacker with an automatic deciphering system from continuously attempting to force his way in to your account. Setting that limit will ensure that our system blocks that hacker and his IP address, thus preventing him from further trying to hack his way in.
We hope the above changes and clarification make using our services much less frustrating, while giving you the confidence that you are backed up by us and our 24/7 server technical team.
Please let us know if you have any concerns.
We're always here for you!