(V5) How do I add a product? Print

  • add product, products, product, adding products
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Note: Before adding your first product, make sure that you have added your categories. Store categories can be added under the menu Products > View Categories.

If you are using Options/Variants, Features, Brands, Filters, Downloadable files, then we suggest setting these up first. You can add products without entering this data but you will need to come back and edit the product later to add this information.

Adding A New Product

To add a new product go to Products > View Products menu. Once clicked on, this will display all products available in your store.

To add a product, click on the "plus sign icon" on the top right hand side of your screen.

The product screen is split into tabbed sections: General, Specifics, Connect, Features, Options/Variants, Recurring, Images, Promotions, Design, FAQ Category, SEO. Many of the input fields are optional and you do not need to enter data for them. Some have default values already set. The main input fields that should be completed for your products are: Product Name, Description, Model, Price, Tax Class, Quantity, Category(ies), Main Image, and SEO.

Below is a summary of what each product field does.


Product Name
Enter a name for your product. This appears on the frontend.

Enter a description for your product. This should describe your product. This description will be shown to your customers on the frontend of your store in a product tab.

Custom Text
Add text that will appear below the price. This gives you a bit more flexibility to add some extra details that can catch your visitor's attention. HTML can be used to add formatting to your text.

Product Tags
Product tag keywords are searched by customers on the front end of your store. Enter words to describe your product. These should be single keywords separated by a comma. E.g., blue necklace, sapphire necklace, gemstone necklace.


Customer Group
To show that product to all customer groups, do not check any box. If you select any group here, it will HIDE that product from that group. Meaning, the checked groups will NOT see that product. This works if you want to have special products available only to certain customer groups.

Enable or disable this product.

Model (required)
Create a model number for your product using a combination of letters and numbers. If you don't wish to use model numbers, you can disable it in Store Settings > General Settings > Options > Products, and select "Yes" for "Optional model number". This hides model numbers from the frontend. However, you must still add model numbers in the backend but you can decide to have them all be the same, e.g., model number "1" for all products.

This a stock keeping number for the product.

This is the products universal product code or product's unique barcode.

European article number.

Japanese article number.

International standard book number.

Manufacturer part number.

Enter the price including Tax in the price field, if applicable. Price will be automatically calculated.

Enter the price excluding Tax in the price field, if applicable. Price + Tax will be automatically calculated.

Tax Class
If Tax is applicable to the price, select the tax class that you want. Learn more about how to use taxes in Ozcart.

The total amount available in the store for this specific product.

Minimum Quantity
This is the minimum amount of the product the customer must purchase to add the item to cart.

Step Quantity
Customers can only order in increments of minimum set number. E.g., if number set is 3 and you choose this, customer will have to order 3,6,9, etc.

Subtract Stock
If set to "Yes" the store will subtract stock from the quantity of the product, e.g., If there are 10 necklaces, and a customer buys 2 necklaces, the quantity will change to 8.

Requires Shipping
If you will be shipping your item, select "Yes". If the item is pick up only or download-able, select "No".

Date Available
This is the date when your product will become available for purchase. If you do not enter a date the product will be immediately available.

Date Added

Dimensions (L x W x H)
Enter the length, width, height of the product if you have dimensions to include. Note: This a compulsory field if you're using the Australia Post calculator for your products.

Length Class
This is the metric units the L x W x H entered above. E.g., centimetre.

Enter a number weight of your product. Note: This a compulsory field if you're using the Australia Post calculator for your products.

Weight Class
Enter a class for the products weight. E.g., kilogram.

If you select "enabled" it will make your product available in the front-end of your store. Selecting "disabled" will hide your product from the front-end of your store. If it is disabled you will still be able to edit your products via the administration area.

Sort Order
When you assign a sort order it gives your product a priority number. E.g., a product with a sort order number or 1 will be placed higher than a product with a sort order of 2.


Add a brand/manufacturer for your product.

Click into the categories input box with your mouse and a drop down list will appear of the categories you have added. You can click and select multiple categories.

Filter Feature For This Product
Click into the filters input box with your mouse and a drop down list will appear of the product filters you have added. You can click and select multiple filters. You will need to setup filters before adding products if you wish to use this feature. Filters can be added under the menu Products > Filters.

Click into the downloads input box with your mouse and a drop down list will appear of the downloadable files you have uploaded. If you wish to use this feature you will first need to setup downloadable products under the menu Products > Downloads.

Related Products
Type the name of a related product for this product. The customer will be able to view these on the product page. When you start typing in the input box, a drop down box will appear with related products.


Features are Attributes or specifications for products, e.g., Necklace Length or Material. If you wish to use features for your products you will first need to set these up under the menu Products > Features.


Variants are product options that the customer can select for the Product before adding the product to the cart. If you wish to use options for products you need to first create them under the menu Products > Options/Variants. See this knowledge base article to learn how to add product options and variants.


Set up recurring payments for this product by first creating them in Products > Recurring Subscriptions. Then, assign it to this product in the Recurring tab.


Main Product Image

Click on the "no image" image and you will see a pencil icon. Click on the pencil icon and a new pop-up box will appear.

Move your mouse over to the third icon (up arrow) and click on it. You can then select a local image from your computer and upload it to your store.

Additional Images

Additional images are added the same way that you add a main product image, except they are located under the heading "Additional Images".

Click on the plus symbol Icon under the section "Additional Images" section. Click on the "no image" image and a pencil icon will appear (same as above).

Click on the "pencil icon" and a new pop-up box will appear (same as above). Hover your mouse over to the third icon (up arrow) and click on it. You can then select a local image from your computer and upload it to your store.

You can also set a sort order number for your additional images.

Promotions: (Quantity Discounts, Specials, Reward Points)

Note 1: To set up quantity discounts and/or specials for customer groups and/or multiple products at once, use Custom Discount.
Note 2:
For quantity discounts and specials, you might have to first create a row for them, save, and then enter the information. This is a known issue and will be resolved.


Quantity Discounts

You need to complete the data for the following fields if you wish to set a discount for the product.

Customer Group: Customer groups can be set up under the menu Customers > Customer Groups. If you do not want to set up customer groups, select the Default customer group (Default can be renamed). This will apply to everyone.

This is the minimum quantity before the discount applies. E.g., if you set 3 the customer would need to purchase 3 of the product to get the discount.

This a priority number that determines the order that discounts are applied.

Enter the discount price including Tax in the price field, if applicable.

The discount price excluding Tax in the price field, if applicable.

Discount %: 
Enter a percentage discount amount off the product.

Date Start: 
The date that you want the discount to be available from.

Date End:
The date that the discount offer will end.


You need to complete the data for the following fields if you wish to set a special price for the product.

Customer Group: Customer groups can be setup under the menu Customers > Customer Groups. If you do not want to setup customer groups select Default customer group. This will apply to everyone.

This a priority number that determines the order that special is applied.

Enter the special price including Tax in the price field, if applicable.

The special price excluding Tax in the price field, if applicable.

Discount %: 
Enter a percentage discount amount off the product.

Date Start: 
The date that you want the special price to be available from.

Date End
The date that the special price will end.

Reward Points

Assign reward points/loyalty points to customers for purchasing products from your store. Customers can use points as a currency to purchase more products from your store. You can assign each product a certain number of reward points for a customer to purchase the product with. If you don't want the customer to be able to purchase the product with reward points, you can simply leave this input field as 0.



Assign another layout to this page. You can create layouts in Design > Layouts Manager, and then you can create a layout using the Layouts Builder in Design > Theme Settings. You can then assign that layout using this Design tab.



FAQ Category

Adding a an FAQ category here will add a new tab to this product (in the frontend). The tab is called FAQs and will display the FAQs that are from the category selected. Set up the FAQs in Information > FAQ.



Meta Tag Title

A title to describe your product to search engines.

Custom H1 Tag

Enter a custom title for H1 tag. This will replace the name of the product for search engines. This allows you to have a different name on the product page other than the title of your product.

Meta Tag Description

A description to describe your product to search engines.

Meta Tag Keywords

Keywords to describe your product to search engines. These should be single keywords separated by a comma. E.g., necklace, silver necklace, long necklace. 

SEO URL (Required)
An SEO URL is a web address that gets appended to the end of your URL and makes it easy to read. It includes words that describe your product. Do not enter spaces in the URL. Spaces should be replaced with hyphens (-). Your URL should also be unique. E.g., long-blue-diamond-necklace. Full example: https://www.example.com/long-blue-diamond-necklace


View tutorial on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr594ttGllo

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