You can insert your logo directly into a blog post, product page, or content page by using the Shortcodes feature built-into Ozcart. At the place where you want your store logo to appear, just write [logo].
If you want to specify the width and height of the logo that will be displayed at this point then specify that too by writing them into the short code tag like this:
[logo width="200" height="200"]
If you specify the width you also need to specify the height or else the cart will not know what proportion to display the logo in for the space it's being inserted in to.
Where can you upload your logo?
If you haven't already uploaded a store logo, then you'll need to do that before using this short code. Do that by going to Config > Store Settings > General Settings > Image.
Can I set the background colour on a transparent logo?
Yes, if you have uploaded a PNG logo with a transparent background, then you can set the colour behind it by adding bg="rrggbb" into the tag. The rrggbb values are the "hex" colour of the background that you want behind it.
Common background colours are:
- White = ffffff
- Black = 000000
- Dark Grey = 888888
- Light Grey = e0e0e0
To help you find the colour you want to use, you can use this quick picking tool
Find the colour you want: