Ozcart offers multiple PayPal payment integrations that you can use. Below, we'll provide setup instructions for the most popular ones.
PayPal Checkout Integration
We recommend using PayPal Checkout Integration as it incorporates all of PayPal's features in one:
- PayPal balance payments.
- Pay Later with Pay in 3 (available in certain countries, such as AU, US, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES).
- Venmo (US only).
- Apple Pay and Google Pay.
- Credit and debit card payments processed directly on your website.
- Local payment methods used around the world (availability may vary depending on merchant’s integration method and geographic location).
- Recurring/subscription payments.
- And more.
You can set it up in Configuration > Payment Plugins.
Apple Pay
Make sure to follow the instructions in Ozcart in the Apple Pay section. Otherwise, Apple Pay will not work.
If you have troubles setting up Apple Pay, please watch the following tutorial video by PayPal from the beginning to minute 3:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3gUASHQMrU
Note about the domain association file. You can click the "Download and host" button in the Apple Pay section in Ozcart to have it download and add the file for you in one click rather than manually uploading it. If you do require manual upload, please send us the file via a support ticket and we'd upload it for you.
Important: The file name will be "apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" for sandbox/test accounts and "domain-association-file-live" for live accounts. The most important part is that you register your domain.
PayPal Payments Standard
This is found in Configuration > Payment Plugins. This is the easiest way to set up PayPal but is no longer recommended as the first PayPal Checkout Integration has superseded it. All it requires is for you to enter the email address of your PayPal account. For better recurring subscription (recurring payments) support, you should consider using PayPal Checkout Integration or PayPal Express Checkout.
For 'Transaction Method', you'll most probably want to use Sale, which allows the payment to be immediately processed. Authorization means that it will require for you to approve the payment before it is processed.
Make sure to set up your Order Statuses in the 'Order Status' tab.
PayPal Express Checkout
To set up your store to use PayPal, you need a special set of passwords from PayPal called an API key/API password. You enter these into your store's administration panel under Configuration > Payment Plugins > PayPal Express and then you'll be able to take orders. We've shown you how to do this in the video below, which uses testing credentials from PayPal's simulated payment environment, called the Sandbox.
This is a direct link to your API credentials page in PayPal (after you log in): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_get-api-signature&generic-flow=true
You can do a test to find out if your credentials are correct using this link and substituting the user, pwd and signature (where xxxxxxxxxx is) with the ones from your PayPal account, and perhaps the currency code with your default one (though not necessary), and entering that URL in your browser. You should get some sort of "Success" text (perhaps towards the end and sometimes before the end) if you have input your credentials correctly. Search closely for the Success message:
Note 1: The help banners in Ozcart's PayPal page are there to assist you and will remain visible even after signing up.
Note 2: Have you received an IPN failed email from PayPal? Read this documentation to resolve it.
Note 3: For 'Transaction Method', you'll most probably want to use Sale. Sale allows the payment to be immediately processed. Authorization means that it will require for you to approve the payment before it is processed.
Note 4: Make sure to set up your Order Statuses in the 'Order Status' tab.
We have created a video to help you through the process of setting up PayPal with Ozcart, including the process of grabbing your API passwords/keys and setting them up in your account.
View on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvvlIlT7-Fg
Or view here:
PayPal Express Checkout Button
To set up a PayPal payment button, please view this article.
Important: If you are using reward points, make sure to read the important section at the bottom of the Reward Points article.