ANZ eGate uses the MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (MIGS) to process transactions. You can set it up in Ozcart as follows.
1. Log in at ANZ with your ANZ eGate account and ensure you have an operator set up. ANZ's Instructions on how to do this are found at:
2. Log in to your store administration and choose Configuration > Payment Plugins
3. Beside ANZ eGate, the choose Activate button if it is not already activated. Then click the pencil button to edit the settings.
4. Complete the details:
- ANZ EGate Merchant Code
- ANZ EGate Access Code
- ANZ EGate Secure Hash Code
These will be provided to you by ANZ. Select Test mode if directed to do so by ANZ. If you are in TEST mode, then your merchant code will automatically have TEST added to the merchant name when a transaction is put through to the gateway. You do NOT need to do this when setting up your account in the system. Note also that Test mode will require specific credit card numbers to be used, and amounts to be ending in .00 cents. ANZ will provide the list of test cards that you can use with this service.
You can also set up the cards that will be accepted, the minimum order total at which this payment method will be available, the order statuses in your store when a transaction is processed back from ANZ, and the customer locations where this payment option will be available.
Once configured, click Save.
Important: If you are using reward points, make sure to read the important section at the bottom of the Reward Points article.