When you add an image to a category, the cart makes the image available to be shown in the featured category block but also shows the image above the description if someone clicks through to view that category's products.
For example, from this block on the home page:

Clicking through to the Jewellery category shows the image at the top of the category page:

If you want to enter your own image as part of the category description, or not display it at all on the category page this is definitely possible. You can override this default behavior on a per-category basis. Here is how:
In your admin navigate to the category editing screen, by going to Products > View Categories and clicking the pencil beside the category you want to edit. In this example, Jewellery.
Then click the Specifics tab.

On the Specifics tab, find the setting under the image that reads "Hide Auto Category Image" and choose Yes. This prevents the category image from appearing. Save the page for it to take effect.
You can then view the change on the front of the site: