Adding a coupon in Ozcart is a simple process and can attract customers to click the buy now button.
Set up a coupon
- Navigate to your admin area.
- On the left side, scroll down and look for Marketing and then click on 'Coupons'.
- Click the Add New button.
- Enter a name for your coupon that is relevant to the event or sale (this is mostly for you, not your customers). 3 characters minimum.
- Enter a code. This is the coupon code that customers will enter to get their discount. Make it short and relevant. If it's a 15% sale, you can make it SALE15 or 15OFF, etc. Upper case and lower case letters don't matter too much. If your code is SALE15 and a customer types sale15, it will still work. We suggest making them upper case. You can also choose only numbers, such as 111. 3 characters minimum.
- Enter the type and then the discount amount. If you chose Percentage, enter an amount between and including 0 and 100. If you chose fixed amount, enter the amount you want. For example, if your discount is 5 off a product that costs 15, then the coupon will calculate 5 off the total, which is 10.
- Enter a Total Amount, which is the total a customer must reach before using the coupon. If you put 15 but the product the customer buys is only 10, the coupon won't be valid for him. The customer will have to choose a product of 15 and higher.
- Select 'Yes' if you want the customer to be logged in or 'No' if you accept guest coupon usage.
- If you want to allow free shipping with the code as well, select 'Yes' for 'Free Shipping'.
- To restrict this coupon to be used only by certain customer groups, select the groups next to 'Customer Groups'.
- Keep Products and Category empty if you want to allow the coupon for all products and categories. Otherwise, type the name of the products and categories (autocomplete will appear and you can choose from that list) to select them. Click the minus icon to remove a product/category.
- Enter Start and End dates if you would like this coupon active between certain dates or keep them empty to have it run for ever.
- Uses Per Coupon: this limits the amount of time the coupon can be used. Example, if you only wish to allow the first 100 customers to use it, enter 100. Make it 0 to have it active for unlimited customers.
- Uses Per Customer: This controls the number of times you would like to allow a customer to use the coupon. If you put it at 2, the logged in customer can use that coupon twice (2 separate orders). Make it 0 to have it active for unlimited customers.
- Enable or disable the coupon here. You can disable it and have it ready for the future.
- Make sure to save by scrolling up and clicking the green check mark (to remain on this page) or the save button (which saves and takes you back to the previous page).
Edit a coupon
- Navigate to your admin area and under Marketing, click Coupons.
- Click the "Edit" icon under "Action".
Delete a coupon
- Navigate to your admin area and under Marketing, click Coupons.
- Click the checkbox next to the coupon(s) that you want to delete.
- Click the red delete button located at the top right.
Important information about coupons:
- Only one coupon can be used per order. A way around that would be to create customer groups but it requires manual work for each order.
- Create a customer group by setting one up in Customers > Customer Groups.
- Navigate to Products > View Products, and edit a product.
- Click on Promotions, select a customer group, and set a discounted price there.
- Save the product.
- If you set coupon usage limits, you should consider requiring the user to log in to use the coupon, or you cannot prevent the same customer from ordering multiple times with that coupon, and you won't be able to verify and keep a history of who uses the coupon. Guests (customers without an account) would be able to use a coupon without restriction.
- Try to not limit the number of coupon uses, unless required. After the 'Uses Per Coupon' is exceeded, no other customers can use the coupon again.