Access the blog page
You add "/blog" to the end of your URL.
Example: - that would take you to your blog.
You also can make use of additional links as found in Information > Blog > URLs Format.
Please note that to make use of Category, Item, and Filter URLs, you must add the ID at the end. You need to remove everything after "id=" and "tag=", such as CATEGORY_ID, BLOG_ID, TAG_NAME - and you then add the ID, as found in Blog Categories, Blog Posts, and Tags.
The ID is in the URL right after "id=" when you're editing categories or blog posts.
The Front Page "/index.php?route=ozcblog/blogs" URL is just the official path that redirects to the "/blog". Both work fine.
Add Blog to your menu
Navigate to Design > Mega Menu and add the URL, e.g., "/blog", to the URL field, and enter a menu name in the Title field. Click Save.You can add it to your footer by navigating to Design > Footer Menus and adding it either under one of the categories or as a category.