If you have enabled Guest checkout, you may have wondered if your guests can view their order history (order information and status).
It is possible for guests to view their order history. Here's how:
- You must set up a link somewhere on your site, whether in your menu, top menu, footer, a button, in a page, or elsewhere. Decide where you would like it.
- Then, add this relative path URL to your link or see below for an alternate solution*: /index.php?route=account/guestorder
- Save and test your link by clicking on it to ensure that it takes your guests to a page similar to this: https://demo.ozcart.com/_v5/index.php?route=account/guestorder
Your guest customer can then enter his email and the order ID that he has received via email when he ordered. He will receive an email with a link that he can click on which will take him to your website to view his order's information and status.
*Alternatively, for point 2 above, you can create a SEO-friendly URL in Tools > SEO URLs. This would change the last part of your URL from /index.php?route=account/guestorder to your desired one, e.g., /guest-order-history. Your visitors would see that SEO-friendly URL and you can also use it to create links. To do so, in Tools > SEO URLs, create a new SEO-Friendly URL by typing in 'account/guestorder' in the Route field and typing in your desired URL in the URL field, e.g., 'guest-order-history', without the single quotes.
Important: You may have to remove the '/' before index and before your SEO-friendly URL to make the relative path work when creating links for these cases.