A Geo zone consists of a country along with a province/state, a set of provinces/states, or all provinces/states.
Geo zones are used in Ozcart to set up taxes, shipping, and some payment methods.
Here is a tutorial about how to add and manage Geo zones:
This tutorial skips the part about setting up countries and zones as they are already all set up for you. What this means is that countries and their provinces/states are in Ozcart already. You can still, however, delete countries and zones in Store Settings > General Settings > Country Settings.
- Navigate to Store Settings > Country Settings > Geo Zones.
- Add or edit a Geo zone.
- Give your Geo zone a relevant name. For example, if it's about the whole country, enter that country's name, but if it's about a single province/state in that country, enter the country name and the province name (2 examples: Canada, Ontario. Or, USA - Florida).
- Add a description for you to know what this is about. Admin only.
- Add a new Geo zone by clicking the plus button:
- Add a country or more than one. If you add more than one, make sure that you want the same tax rate applied to those.
- Add the zones (province or state) for each country. You can choose to add one, or add all zones to have it affect all of them. Some countries have separate taxes per province / state, such as Canada, and in those cases, you should create a Geo zone for each province/state. Some countries have one tax for the whole country, such as Australia. However, note that you can also set up different prices for shipping per postal code region or Geo zone, so make sure to take those into account if you want different shipping prices. This mostly applies to custom shipping methods and not to carrier based shipping methods (Australia Post, Fastway, USPS, UPS, FedEx, and so on).
- Alternatively, you can add all Geo zones at once by clicking the button "All Geo Zones". If you do click this button, please wait a few seconds as it has to generate a list of all countries and all provinces / states.
- Save.