(V5) Defining the admin URL Print

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We'd like to define some of the terms or words found in the admin URL and help describe what our admin URLs consist of:

Let's use this example, which is not a working example but is similar to what you would have:


The above is us editing an information page in our supposed admin area.

  1. https://ozcart.com/ - This is the domain.

  2. https://ozcart.com/oadmin/ - This is the domain with the /oadmin path or folder which is your own admin login page (yours will be different). The default is /admin but we change it (or can change it to your own preferred name) to make it a bit more secure so that uninvited users have a difficult time finding your admin login page and won't try to hack in because the usual term for the admin login page is /admin in various systems.

  3. https://ozcart.com/oadmin/index.php?route=catalog/information/edit - There's the domain and the admin path (oadmin), this means that you're in the admin area, and the rest is telling you that you are in the Information section (which has to do with Pages, Blog, FAQ, etc.). If you were in the Products admin page, the path would be "index.php?route=catalog/product". The /edit is letting you know that you're editing something, such as a page.

  4. &token=n0TzNPtl1zl3jtc01uSC3ZmTe14YPzny - This is your current token. When you log out and sign back in, it will change to another number. The token is there and changes for your store's security.

  5. &information_id=46 - This means that you're editing something in the Information section with an ID of 46. Every page, every product, every category, every blog post, and so on, has its own ID. It's unique to that content. If you delete that content to recreate it, its ID will change to a new, higher number.

There are many other types of URLs but this is a basic description of what it could contain.


Tip: The ID of any type of content (page, blog post, product, etc.) that you are editing will always be in the URL.


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