Manage DNS records Print

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This article guides you on how to add, edit, delete DNS records in your hosting interface.

First step is to access cPanel.

Note that you received an email from our hosting system when you signed up, and that email includes your username and password for cPanel. You can save those. Our system also saved that information. We can reset the password for you when requested.

Then, in cPanel, navigate to "Zone Editor" (use the search bar on top, if needed). This is the area where you can manage your DNS records.


Add a record

After following the above information, click the Manage button.

Then, click on Add Record or the arrow next to Add Record and select/click on the type of record you would like to add. Click the Add Record button that will appear next to the new row to save that DNS record.


Edit a record

After following the introduction of this article, click the Manage button.

You can now filter between the various record types, search for the Name of the record, or manually search for the record. Then, click on the edit button to edit that record. Modify the information and click the Save Record button.


Delete a record

After following the introduction of this article, click the Manage button.

You can now filter between the various record types, search for the Name of the record, or manually search for the record. Then, click the Delete button and a prompt will appear. Confirm your intention to delete it and that record will be deleted.

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