There are a large number of email address settings you can receive for your store. The following list explains each of them and what they mean.
Main contact email addresses
Email Address (Displayed to Contact you) - this is the email address that people see on your contact us page. It is usually sales@... or info@....
Email Address (sent FROM) - when customers receive automatic emails from your store, this is the email address they see the emails coming from
The following addresses are for you to receive notifications when things happen in your store (e.g. orders, signups). They are:
Send Copy of Order Confirmation Emails To - when you receive an order, the system automatically tells you about the order so you know its there. This is your email address where you want to receive those confirmations
Send Copy of Create Account Emails To - when a new customer signs up an account, the system sends you an email to tell you. This is your email address where you want to receive this confirmation. Typically, this is the same as the order confirmation email address.
Send Copy of Tell a Friend Emails To - if you have tell a friend enable and someone tells a friend about a product using the system, a copy is sent to you. This is the email address you want to receive these notifications. Typically, this is the same as the order confirmation email address.
Send Copy of Customer GV Send Emails To - when customers purchase or use gift vouchers, the system sends you a copy of what the customer received. This is your email address where you receive those copies.
Send Copy of Customer Admin GV Mail Emails To - when customers use gift vouchers, the system sends out an admin confirmation telling you the details of the voucher used. This is your email address where you want to receive those confirmations.
Send Copy of Customer Admin Discount Coupon Mail Emails To - when customers use a discount coupon, the system sends out a copy of the confirmation email that was sent to the customer. This is your email address where you would like to receive a copy of what customer's see.
Send Copy of Admin Orders Status Emails To - When the order status changes of an order, the system sends out an email to you to confirm the status change. This is your email address where you would like to receive these notifications.
Send Notice of Pending Reviews Emails To - If you turn on product reviews and someone writes a review, the system sends out an email to let you know you need to look at it. This is your email address where you would like to receive these notifications.
Send Low Stock Emails To - When an item is low in stock, you can email someone to let them know. This is the email address of you or someone else (e.g. your purchasing manager) where you would like to receive low stock warnings.
SMTP settings
If you are sending out emails via SMTP (not the default of PHP), then you should set up your outbound email address details here. They will usually be something like:
SMTP Email Account Mailbox | | |
SMTP Email Account Password | YourPasswordHere | |
SMTP Email Mail Host | | |
SMTP Email Mail Server Port | 465 or 587 |