Finding your way around the Ozcart Demo Print

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Thanks for trying out Ozcart shopping cart software.

Ozcart shopping cart software is great for your business because:

  • It is easy to use - getting important store management tasks done is an intuitive process through our easy-to-use admin panel
  • It has powerful ecommerce features on the customer side and in admin - a one page checkout, gift registry, membership/layby payments, order editing and order management to name a few
  • It has many options for postage and payments - including a multi vendor shipping cost calculator for those dropshipping to your customers from other suppliers
  • It has many optional extras that you can turn on or off as you require them
  • Paid customers receive a manual and knowledgebase of over 150 help articles - including screenshots and help setting up your payment providers to work with the built in Ozcart components
  • It has quality support, 6 days a week. We rest one day but work 6 days nearly non-stop.
  • We make sure your design counts! Each site can receive an overall look and feel that's custom designed for your business (upon demand, we will send a quote).
  • Our monthly packages are affordable with generous allowances for disk space and bandwidth.

To decide if an Ozcart shopping cart is right for your business you need to decide the following:

  • Do you need to set your store apart from your competition? Do you want someone working on your store design that cares if your site looks good and if you succeed?
  • Do you plan to work on your website in weekends? If so, having support at hand could be important to you, and we can be there for you on Sundays.
  • Do you want a modern, up-to-date shopping cart with powerful features?

If so, you might want to try out our demo cart to learn how the admin works. The demo shop is a demonstration department store with departments such as Fashion, Electronics, Jewellery and Wine. The types of products you can use with Ozcart could be anything from fresh food to custom computers to machine parts, and everything in between. There are many features that suit particular types of stores so if you have a particular need, please contact us before you buy even if you can't find the feature you want. You might be able to do something that you thought you couldn't. Not every feature of Ozcart is available in the demo.

Basic structure of the Ozcart demo

On the front end, the store is divided up into departments with the types of products set up that are typically used in that kind of store. For example, fashion clothes have sizes and colours and you can try out the product filters to see how your customers would search by colour, size or a combination of these to find the product that they want.

In the admin panel, the store has two sets of menus - the menus in the top right hand corner which are for mostly store settings and configuration options, and the main menu bar which is for managing components of the store like Orders, Products, Categories, Images, Sidebar blocks, Promotions and Shipping costs.

The things you might want to try in the demo are:

  • Adding a product
  • Seeing your options for setting shipping and payment options
  • Setting up a promotion like a discount code
  • Looking at some of the store marketing options like product tags, the gift registry, wholesale pricing and order management

Example: Adding a product

  1. From Ozcat's products menu across the main menu bar, choose the menu option called Products
  2. The products screen appears. This shows you all of the products in your store. You can optionally use the dropdown "Search in Category" box to filter your products (if you have many categories to display)

    If you have subcategories, click the down arrow to the far right hand side of the categories dropdown and then tick the "Subcategories" checkbox before choosing a category. Then you'll be able to see the products from that category and subcategories

    Search subcategories
  3. Once you're sure you've found the right category and reviewed the product in that category, it's time to enter your product.
  4. Click the Add Product button.
  5. Enter the product's name
  6. Click on the Add Categories button
  7. Now tick the Categories where you would like this product to appear. A product can have multiple categories.
  8. Click Add Categories and Close
  9. Enter the product price
  10. Enter a product description. It can be HTML or plain text. You can insert YouTube videos by pasting in the code provided by YouTube to embed a video into a product description. There is detailed help on how to do this for paid customers in the official Ozcart knowledgebase.
  11. To add an image, click on Local in the Images section and browse your PC for the product image you would like to use
  12. All other fields are optional, but can be helpful depending on how you plan to manage your online business. For example, if you plan to export/import/update your products by a spreadsheet later, you may want to fill in a Product Code. If you are keeping track of stock you might want to fill in the In Stock field so the cart knows whether a product is low stock, in stock or out of stock.
  13. Click Create and Close

If you have any trouble using the shopping cart demo, just let us know and we would be happy to answer your questions.

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