For compliance with the ATO's rules for GST tax compliance, an invoice for GST must have the following:
- The heading Tax Invoice
- Your ABN
- Your Business Date
- The details of the items ordered, and their quantities
- The total amount of GST payable
- The total including GST
- A statement that the total amount includes GST.
Ozcart invoices can be configured to meet these requirements.
To ensure that the necessary title and footer are displayed on invoices generated by the cart, you can do the following:
1. From the Configuration section of the main menu, choose Store Settings > General Settings
2. Click on the Options tab
3. Click on the Taxes section
4. Choose Yes for Show Invoices as a Tax Invoice
5. Click the save button to save.
You then need to make sure you have your ABN and business details set up in your store so that these are correctly displayed on the invoice.