Are you getting the error:
The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10051, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
This may be caused by Internet Service Providers trying to prevent spam by blocking the sending of email via your domain name through port 25. Try changing your SMTP port to 465 or 587. Here's how:
Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003:
1. From the "Tools" menu, select "E-mail Accounts"
2. Choose "View or Change existing email accounts" and click on "Next"
3. Choose your email (POP) account and click on the "Change" button
4. Click on "More Settings"
5. Click on the "Advanced" tab
6. Next to "Outgoing server (SMTP)", change port 25 to 465 or 587.
7. Click "OK", then click "Next" and "Finish"
Microsoft Outlook 2007:
1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Account Settings"
2. Choose the "Email" tab and double click on your email (POP) account
3. Click on the "More Settings" button
4. Click on the "Advanced" tab
5. Next to "Outgoing server (SMTP)", change port 25 to 465 or 587.
Microsoft Outlook 98/2000, Outlook Express:
1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Accounts"
2. Select your email (POP) account and click on the "Properties" button
3. Click on the "Advanced" tab
4. Next to "Outgoing server (SMTP), change port 25 to 465 or 587.
5. Click "Apply", then click "OK" and "Close"
1. From the "Tools" menu select "Account Settings"
2. A box will open. Select "Outgoing server SMTP"
3. In the box update your server name to and change the port to 465 or 587.
4. Select "Ok".
You will still be able to send emails, but only by using your ISP'S outgoing mail server. Every ISP's outgoing mail address is different, but for the most part they will be or If you change your outgoing mail server name to match your ISP, you usually will not need to change the port number too - most ISPs keep it at 25.