If you are having trouble connecting to your email address from a Windows laptop, tablet or PC, please check the following:
- Make sure you can see your website from your computer
- Make sure you can log in through webmail from a browser (go to www.yourdomainname.com.au/webmail in a browser, ignore any popup login screens and wait for the orange "Webmail" login screen with email address and password prompts to come up on the screen) - substitute yourdomainname.com.au for your actual domain name
If you're able to log in, it means the issue is with your email setup on your ipad or your computer's dns connectivity to the site.
Here are some things to try:
- Make sure you are using POP3 in your email settings
- Check that SSL is off
- Check that SMTP authentication is on (this is called "My server requires authentication" on the More Settings button of your email settings in programs like MS Outlook)
- Check that you've entered your email username and password correctly. Even a space at the beginning or end of it will fail the email.
- Check your incoming port is 110
- Check your outgoing port is 587
- Try changing the outgoing and incoming server names to host.wallabyhosting.net instead of mail.yourdomainname.com.au. This shouldn't be necessary but it might work if all else fails.
- If you can't get 587 to work as the outgoing server, try port 465 with SSL. 25 can also work but only rarely because ISPs usually reserve it for their own outgoing email services.
The full settings for Outlook's Email settings (similar in Windows Mail) will be:
email type: POP3
incoming mail server: mail.yourdomainname.com.au (substitute yourdomainname.com.au for the domain name of your website)
outgoing mail server: mail.yourdomainname.com.au (substitute yourdomainname.com.au for the domain name of your website)
more settings button:
My server requires authentication: yes
Server authentication uses incoming settings: yes (checked)
Advanced Settings tab:
incoming port: 110 SSL: no
outgoing port: 587 SSL: no
If it still doesn't work, try changing port 587 to port 465 with SSL. If that still doesn't work, try 25. If that doesn't work, please submit a ticket to our support team advising you've followed the steps in this article and confirming the settings that you're using.