Content pages like your About Us page, Policies pages or a campaign landing page can be set up for marketing purposes. Pages can use HTML, images and even videos. You edit them using the built-in text editor tool.
The process for creating and editing content pages is described below.
From the Store Admin Menu, choose Information > Pages
General Tab
The information screen opens up on the General tab. Enter the Page Title, and then the content for the page in the Description box. You can insert videos or pictures into the page content using the word-processor like editor.
Under your main content box, is where you enter information about your page to describe it to the search engines. This is called meta data - you can enter a Meta Title, Meta Description, and if you are targeting search engines that still use keywords (Google and Bing ignore them now), then you can enter those too.
The last item on this screen is a Custom H1 tags. H1 tags are heading tags and are important indicators to search engines about what your page is about. The custom H1 will become the heading that's displayed on the screen, and can be different from the meta title or page title if you wish.
To preview: If you want to check what your page will look like to your customers you can quickly link to it by pressing the preview button on the top right corner of the editing screen.
Specifics Tab
The specifics tab lets you set the properties of the page such as what the search engine friendly web address for the page will be (SEO URL).
SEO URL: Enter a unique page name in the URL that has no spaces or special characters (you can use underlines _ or hyphens - though). Page names are case sensitive, so About-Us is different from about-us. You don't need to put your domain name into the URL this is added automatically. The page name must be unique store-wide otherwise it will cause conflicts - you can't for example have a product name and a page name that are identical.
Bottom: If you delete all of the footer menus under Design > Footer Menus, then the cart software will use default system footer menus. If you are using the default system menus and not your own choices, you can quickly add a page to the information column by ticking it here. In general, you'll be using your own menus so this setting can be ignored.
Status: Sets whether your page is visible or not
Sort order: When multiple pages are shown together in a list, this describes what order they will appear in. Generally you'll have manual links to your pages, so most of the time you'd ignore this setting.
Design Tab (Advanced Users only)
If you are setting up an advertising landing page that's not quite like all the other pages in your site, you might want to use this feature - it forces a particular page layout for this page that might be different from the other Information pages in your site (e.g. have no side columns whereas the rest of your site has side columns).
To use this setting choose from one of the available override layout settings from the drop down menu. To turn this off again, just choose the blank option from the drop down menu and the default layout will be used again.